The Xena API

Introduction to our REST API.

Xena’s REST-based API is documented with Swagger and can be browsed under our API section. To use the API there are a few things you should know, so let's get started on the basics.

Apikeys or OAuth?

The first thing that should be considered when designing an App for Xena is how authentication should be done. Xena supports two kinds of authentication and they are both useful in different scenarios. Generally speaking, the choice can be narrowed down to:

Do you want to interact as a user in Xena and/or do you want your app to be cost-free for the user?

If the answer to the above question is “yes”, then OAuth is the way to go. If not, then you can use API keys.

The choice can also be based on the pros and cons of each of the methods:


API keys:

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